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Born 1995, Cardiff, Wales, UK

Lives and works in London



Distinction in MA Fine Art: Painting, Camberwell College of Art, University of the Arts London, London


BA Fine Art, Cardiff School of Art and Design, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff

Selected Group Exhibitions


To the Lighthouse, Millbank Tower, London, UK

The Hari Art Prize, The Hari Hotel, London, UK

Postgraduate Show, Camberwell College of Art, UAL, London, UK

Synchronised, Wilson Road, London, UK

A Sense of Place, Oglivy, London, UK

Xhibit, Dray Walk Gallery, London, UK

Diffusion, Bargehouse, London, UK

Chaiya Arts Awards, OXO Gallery, London, UK

Home on Me, Hoxton Arches, London, UK

Forces of the Small, Filert Gallery, London, UK


Camberwell College of Art, London, UK

Woldingham School, Woldingham, UK


Pick of The Degrees, MADE Gallery, Cardiff, UK

Summer Show, Cardiff School of Art and Design, Cardiff, UK

Materiality, Kongs, Cardiff, UK


Mindful Mondays Fine Art Exhibition, Atma, Cardiff, UK

Site Venue Project, Jacob's Antique Centre, Cardiff, UK


Visual Arts Centre, Bendigo, Victoria, Australia

24 Hours Under The Arch, Beaconsfield Gallery, London, UK


Foundation Exhibit, Cardiff Arts Academy, Cardiff, UK

Awards, Residencies and Commissions


Artist in Residence, Woldingham School, UK


The Eversheds Sutherland Prize for Painting